Friday, June 28, 2013

4th of July!

Independence Day!  This is a great day for me to spend with family and friends. We have many activities leading up to the great festivities.  I get the day to get my Little from Big Brother Big Sister. Sunday to have a family fun day of playing baseball.  I think the best part of summer is cookouts and baseball! Nothing better than the fresh summer air with the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill.  I am super happy that my Hubby will be able to be home to enjoy this time with us.  I am also volunteering at the festival in the near town with humane society trying to promote the new animals and the fundraising event Pedal for Paws. 

Here is a fun recipes for a Tuna macaroni salad that is our family favorite when we get together:

Aunt B's Tuna Mac Salad

2 cups Elbow Macaroni
1 can of Tuna
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup frozen peas
1 cup Mayo

Cook Macaroni ( I like to put the frozen peas in the bottom the strainer so when ready to drain the macaroni the hot water cooks the peas to get the fresh snap to the peas) let the macaroni cool in the freezer or refrigerator( if have time). when cool add the rest of the ingredients mix well and put in refrigerator until ready to go to the party.  Taste sometimes I like to add extra mayo or dressing if it seems a little dry.


Have a Safe and Fun Filled Holiday Week!

"Aunt B"