Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Reunion

We got together with the family this weekend for a family reunion.  My hubby decided to go fishing in the morning and was going to meet us there later.  My sister and her husband were way more motivated that I was and decided to ride their bike to the reunion, which was a town away.  They knew that their kids would not make the trip so they had asked me to take the kids for them.  Of course, this lead to letting them stay at Aunt B's house overnight.

We got to the park in the morning and I had decided to bring hot dogs in the slow cooker.  Easy and something everyone will eat.  Well, lets just say Hot Dog water spilled on car carpet not the greatest smell! Phew.... When we finally got there we unloaded and looked around and huh? I do not recognize anyone. I looked across the street and what do I see I was at the wrong Family Reunion!!! So packed it all up again and drove to the parking lot across the street. Finally we made it.  Kids were talking to their cousin's they just met and decided to get gloves to play ball.  Went to the car and huh? Locked my keys in the car....NICE.  So I had to call the hubby off the lake to come and unlock the car so the kids could play ball.

Besides all that I did have a great time, but I was thinking could anything else happen today?  Got home and unloaded the truck and was playing with my dog Sophie and what do I see on her nose a wasp! It stung her... uggg. well it is time for me to go inside and stay inside I guess.  Lucky Sophie was not allergic to the sting and I put a mixture of Baking powder and water on it so it will be less painful for her.

Hate to say it but Glad it is Monday:)

Have a Great Week,
"Aunt B"

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